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The Epic Europe Trip 2016
12:45:00As our Europe trip 2016 draws to a close (I am writing this post at the Charles de Gaulle Airport while waiting for our flight to Doha), I have summarized what I have gotten so far from this trip:
- Tanned! It is the summer period in the places we have visited: Scotland, England, Spain, and France and indeed we were never short of sunshine. My arms and legs are darker that you can see a white line where I have worn my watch. It really looks weird and I wanted to bring back my old colour but I think it will only be possible during winter in Hong Kong.
- Shopped a lot. I bought a new bag from Paris, loads of books and perfume from London and Edinburgh and ham from Spain. I hope I won't regret it once I see my credit card bill but compare to what I can get in Hong Kong, comparatively those stuff are cheaper. I tried not to buy things I know I won't be able to use in the future. During the last Europe trip, I bought cheese and wine which until now have not been eaten yet. I bought magnets for the fridge and shirts for the hubby in every city I have been to - simple souvenirs that will remind me of the adventure.
- Loads of photos which I really don't know where and when to start in organizing it. I have imported it to my laptop for a start but whether I will upload it to Facebook (which was normally what I do), is still subject to further thinking. I don't want to share it with the world just yet. Probably in this blog? Or perhaps I wanted to edit and improve the shots, put some filter and label on it so no one can steal it. Haha!
- I ate a lot. Mostly fries which is probably a thing here in Europe, everywhere I go and order something, they serve it with fries. I miss rice so bad...
- Almost got robbed in Paris. Damn. People when you travel to Paris be very careful in the metro. Don't believe people who try to help you. Always be suspicious and watch your back. Fortunately, I was bigger and I screamed so much that the thief got scared and called me crazy. Someone tried to do it again so that means there are plenty of them.
- We explored a lot of places and met new people. The Sagrada Familia in Barcelona was surreal; the Stonehenge was a bunch of stones but we experienced four seasons in a day which was quite an experience; the Eiffel tower looks amazing; the Fringe festival in Edinburgh was fantastically funny that I wanted to attend it next year again!
- Did a lot of walking! For this 2-week trip, we have completed a total of 119 kilometers of walking. Imagine that! That is a lot which I hopefully I can continue back in Hong Kong. (Maybe I can motivate myself to hunt for Pokemons with the hubby?)
That's all I can think of now. I really wanted to rest and soak into Hong Kong's Chinese food for a while before traveling again. Plenty of work is waiting and I surely miss the hubby! I will post more on this blog and how I planned the whole trip (day to day itinerary as well as the budget).
Alright, that will be all from me today. We will soon be boarding so see yah guys! Happy travels!