Rhine River Adventure

My first and only Europe trip so far was that one I took with Uniworld. It was in the Rhine River starting from Switzerland, to Germany, Fr...

My first and only Europe trip so far was that one I took with Uniworld. It was in the Rhine River starting from Switzerland, to Germany, France and ending in the Netherland. The highlight in this trip are the castles along the river, and they are majestic. However, unfortunately, I have not been able to enter one, only see it from afar. 

I have completed the first compilation and uploaded it on youtube. 

(Subscribe to my account here: Cindy Wong Dela Cruz.)

We were supposed to start the trip from Basel, but the water was too shallow. We drove to Breisach instead and stayed overnight there. We explored the nearby villages and then up to the next, was Strasbourg. I have made notes during the trip and I look forward to share it with you guys!

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