Hong Kong Art
Hong Kong travel
Oi! Hong Kong
Reflection Art
Visiting Oi!: Reflection and I'mperfect
00:58:00Oi! being located in Oil Street is another art destination in Hong Kong. It was originally a club house for the Royal Yacht club and is now housing modern art for Hong Kong people. Admission is free and with two galleries plus an open ground, it surely is worth the time to visit.
Yesterday, Jean, Ron and I visited Oil to see the art works. It was a beautiful sunny day and when we enter, we saw a big mirror which mirrors a front house structure laying in the grassy ground.

The above is a work of Leandro Erlich from Buenos Aires, Argentina. His other works can be found form other parts of the world such as Houston, London and Paris.
After taking lots of photos here, we entered the two other galleries, where we found more works with regards to the theme "Reflection". This theme focuses on the relationship of spaces and environment. Various mediums was used here such as installation, illusion, image or sound.
The goal of this theme is for audience to find themselves indulged in the puzzling of illusion and reality, the fantasy of distorted effects from our daily life or in the reminisce of the cityscape that may no longer exist.
Another room house the imperfection theme, a collaboration by Eddy Yu and Hung Lam, which encourages individuals to redefine our perception on perfection and imperfection. Of all the exhibitions, this is the one that affects me the most because I am the type of person that wanted to push for green living. Hong Kong having 7 million people waste not just a lot of food, but as well as those other different products. Can you imagine how many products go to waste because they are rejects and a little different from the others?
A few people gather around this rectangle table here, exchanging conversation with a cup of tea. It was indeed a relaxing sight! We sat here for a few minutes and have also discussed what were our favorites. Ron's favorite was Gallery 2 which has a motion picture of Hong Kong, while Jean love the idea of the illusion created by water and light.
How to go: Take the MTR to Fortress Hill, Exit A.
Reference: Oi! Newsletter Apr - Jun 2014